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This is one of the pictures I drew using Wacom Intuos tablet_ No AI back then a few years ago.

Am revising this story again for D2D purposes as it has not been revised for some time.

Will let fans know asap.

Happy Mothers Day folks - May 14 in Australia
For artists who want to draw eagle wings here is a link and it is free_ God bless Freakzter_ Simple Wing Lines By Freakzter
Friday, February 26 2021
Face To Face

From the very beginning of time, humans have had the essential need to communicate.

If we look in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we see that Adam was created in the image of God. Interestingly, God says, "Let US make man in our image"

which gives the indication that God is One, yet triune (we learn from history here). Also, God had already created the angels (myriads of them) to keep him company. They were not enough for the Lord God. He wanted a human family.

We see that Adam was given the task of naming every animal on his first day. Did he say, "Ga, ga, ba ba, da da?" We think not, as we know that animals types were known from the beginning. I can just see God watching and smiling as Adam met each animal and gave it a pat and a name. (Editor) (Gen 2:19)

Then he was lonely because there was no human to talk to. We do know that some people talk to their pets, cats, dogs, birds, horses, etc. I expect that those who work in zoos or animal shelters talk naturally to the animals they care for. If I was a fish, I would hide immediately someone talked to me! But, at the end of the day, we come home to our dog and our best human friend too, so that we can convey our worries, joys and plans effectively. 

Once the wiley Eve was created (from Adam's rib), God placed her with Adam and finally they could have a good yarn. Now we know that languages were not like they are today, different in so many countries, but always with the same purpose in mind - communication. "Let's do this together" Synergy arrived!

Interestingly, in the beginning, we see that the Lord came to visit Adam and Eve in the evenings! (In the cool of the day). They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden... (Genesis 3:8) What did they hear? Birds singing for joy, or even the Lord's voice (like running water), or his soft footsteps? What did the Lord say? Hello? Good Evening? We do not know, but we know that he did make a sound because they heard Him. They also knew it was Him! "It's God again! Shucks, always on time!"

From this very short piece of writing preserved for our good, we know that not only did Adam and Eve communicate, but the Serpent communicated with the woman as well. (Did some animals speak a language that was understandable?"

Adam may have heard the conversation as well, but kept his cool. He waited to see what might happen to his new, beautiful wife, whom he is supposed to love and protect. Just like so many of us today, we are waiting to see the outcome of the Covid 19 vaccine! What is going to happen next? Of course we hear about the turmoil going on in nursing homes, but we hear little of all the good things that are happening. There was a feast for their eyes and belly in the Garden of Eden, but they wanted the one piece of fruit that was not allowed (forbidden). They had to have it!

We need to communicate with each other, face to face, like Adam and Eve and the Lord Almighty (Jesus) in the Garden of God. This is a basic human need and we should make every effort to speak to another soul today. During 2020 communication all over the globe changed from personal, face to face, to digital communication by voice or face time. People became very canny in using their mobile phones (cells) to reach out and keep in touch with a grieving world.

God made us to communicate with each other and with God himself. God knew what had happened when Adam and Eve hid behind vine leaves in the garden, because they rebelled against their creator, causing an eternal rift that hurt mankind and God himself badly. In fact Eve instigated the first rebellion and Adam jumped in, boots and all. He saw that Eve did not die as predicted "You shall surely die" the Lord had said. Well, she was still alive, but their eyes or conscience was enlightened and they knew "They were naked" and hid. Eventually, after almost a thousand years, they died anyway. God was most gracious giving them so many years to think things over!

Communication remains the most important necessity of human beings! It was the first obstacle overcome in Creation. (2:18) Now we can communicate face to face and digitally as we please (once our gadgets are plugged in and/or charged).

Communicating with our creator was never the same again, but it has been restored magnificently by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Everything was made for Jesus: John 1:1) Today, we can freely communicate with God through His Holy Spirit at any time, day or night.  "Ask me anything and I will do it," (John 14:13) and "...for the Father himself loves you dearly  because you love me." (John 16:27) 

We call it prayer.  Intercessory prayer. Praying for needs of self and others.

If anyone needs prayer, please let me know and I shall talk with the Lord Jesus Christ on your behalf in my prayer time.

Jesus ever lives and reigns to make intercession for us from Heaven. (Hebrews 9:24)

P.S. Pic from Pixabay thanks Gary.

Posted by: AT 09:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 18 2021
Dreams and messages

A woman from my past challenging me by intimidation, "Did you want to include the 1c you contributed?";  little pieces of white paper that tasted fizzy on my tongue, but were gone (turned to cardboard) when I offered one to someone, and a crocodile...?

Now, I am adult enough to know that dreams are a re-enactment of our lives in the real world (when we are awake), and I can usually figure the dream out by relating it in a convoluted way to something that actually happened recently. My figures for working out bills, someone returning recently, a tray of salty crackers and the story of a beautiful white haired man eaten by a crocodile in Northern Territory (A tragic story.  My heart went out to his plight and family. I shed a tear for them all and wished the croc had been killed earlier)

I had this dream in three pictures and one revelation as I woke up. It happened in a moment of time, of realization and infinite knowledge that I could never obtain if I searched in outer space or underneath the sea, or on the land for a thousand years.

The realization or inspirational sight for me was the impossibility of evolution and of the fittest beating the weakest and only the surviver survives. (Might work in tennis for a while)

If this theory was actually fact, "Evolution"  would mean that man had to be the biggest, fastest, most monstrous and most dangerous in order to survive attacks from monsters and dangerous animals, one on one! 

This is the revelation that I had as I woke from my dream: It was simply "understood" in a moment.

If the theory of evolution was based on actuality or fact, (which it is not) there would be a world crawling with dinosaurs (the biggest ones) sitting on top of a great big hill, surrounded by the largest crocodiles (who have by now eaten their fill of every little  human fleshy creature). Of course they would have devoured every other animal as well! There would be no bunnies, cats, dogs, birds, little fishes, flies, spiders, lady bugs, daddy longlegs, moths, butterflies, bees, ants!  In fact our world that began like a dream, with huge creatures smiling at little people, would have soon ended in a nightmare of only the fittest, the fastest and the biggest alive today. It would not take more than one lifetime (70 years to end everything human at the most!)

It is a irrefutable fact that without a law of order and sanity, there would be no human beings here at all. We know that lawlessness ends in disaster and the animal laws are truly survival of the fittest when there is food shortage. But, even animals have their own territories and laws that others dare not oppose. (Another blow for Evolution)

I have just looked at a chart depicting the evolutionary theory, with a little blob becoming a great big lion over the years, alongside the runty little human being growing into the sort of athletic man we know today (Oh my poor birth canal). It is so engaging that it has become the "norm" for people. The problem with this type of information is that people think it is safe now, we are superior, yet we know deep down that in a battle between a croc and a man, the croc will win (unless there are lots of men, which could not be the case if we were evolving for a million years without all our facultys.  If we did not have everything we needed to defend ourselves we would be literally dead meat before we got into the second globy state.)

Jesus says, "Wake up, sleeper and Christ will give you light," which gives a warning: "Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise."   (Ephesians 5:14,15)

Let everyone who reads this wake up and see the light of life, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the one who enlightens us, as Christ Jesus is seated on high in Heaven and the Holy Spirit (Christ's Spirit) will show you things you never dreamed about (as you wake you will get the inspiration that nobody else can give you).

God is aware of every moment of our lives,  even if we have forgotten some of it. God knows everything and we should first of all go to God Almighty (revealed in the Bible) to find out truth before the evil day takes us away. Can 2020 be a good example of this? I think so.

If you want more help with dreams, you can contact me and I will try to help you if possible.  Marie

Posted by: Marie AT 02:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 30 2021
King of the Jungle

 Today is the first year anniversary of the pandemic, when it struck UK (Newcastle Hospital). What a changed world we live in 365 days later! It is like some horror story from Medieval times. There were 2 people with the virus. Today there were over 25,300 new cases in UK today, less than 11 Jan (when there were 46,000 new cases). Horrible news.

But, news is good and bad all over the globe as the vaccines are "rolled out" causing havoc for some countries as the virus does a chameleon change that has to be reckoned with. The medics and hospitals' must be congratulated for their responses, whether they were somewhat successful or very successful in seeking, finding and destroying the virus.

What about the Bible? Does it contain any information about viruses, diseases of kinds and what were the remedies?

If we all turn our eyes to the Old Testament (compiled and kept for over 3,000 years, we can learn something about how the Israelites were told to address diseases.

The book of Leviticus is filled with instruction about what to eat, do and who was in charge of "outbreaks" of kinds.

These laws were written in the most strange of places, in the wilderness, when the Israelites were following Yahweh by cloud and fire, camping in various places.

I have been watching "I am a Celebrity, Get me out of here" and it has been a most interesting time for "celebrities" who have bonded in most extraordinary ways. In their last test, Abbie was amazing, when a snake bit her several times whilst her hands were in the "Den" trying to figure out just how many were in there in the darkness.

I felt this went a bit too far as she was genuinely traumatised by a snake rolled around her wrist, biting furtively. Even if there was no venom, the event was not at all funny but tragic. If I get even the smallest bite from a mosquito, I can get a very dangerous reaction and need medical help immediately. So, my heart goes out to Abbie, whom I hope might be crowned Queen of the Jungle. She has such a sparkling spirit.

In Leviticus, there are instructions as to what animals the Lord's people could not touch, or they would be unclean. Instructions about land animals, marine animals, birds, are all listed for us to take notice of. (Leviticus 11) Interestingly, verse 41 says, "All small animals that scurry along the ground are detestable, and you must never eat them."

It goes on to give more details but the people were not even allowed to touch them, or they would become ceremonially unclean (could not go into the Lord's presence).

Regarding skin diseases, (Lev 13) they needed to be checked by the priest for signs of spreading, hair, colour of hair etc. They had to quarantine for seven days and then get a check up again. Interestingly, they had to quarantine for yet another seven days (14 altogether) to see if the disease was worse or better, to determine further action.

It is quite extraordinary that these rules were given by the Lord Himself to Moses, in a remote place, and to think our medics drew up similar rules for Covid 19 is interesting. It seems to be quite a significant time frame, 2 weeks or 14 days to know where the disease is heading.

Next, if the disease is healed, the person is examined "outside the camp" the priest was then ordered by the Lord to offer a sacrifice of two live birds, a stick of cedar, scarlet yarn and a hyssop branch. And so the ceremony goes on (Read Leviticus 14). There are even provisions for poorer people to bring two turtle doves or pigeons as offerings to the Lord. (14:22)  There is also a lot of washing, cleaning of clothes and people, in order to be rid of the disease.

What does all this mean for us today? We would do well to take heed that every disease brings with it a price that must be paid. In these cases, the price was the life of a living animal, grain, oil and of course the drama for the family to be rid of the problem.

When we look at the New Testament, we see Jesus. Jesus is God in the flesh, born poor, raised to life. His life was given for ours, just like the little lambs, doves and bullocks in the Old Testament. We are told that these are a shadow of things to come, "Jesus" being the final sacrifice not only for our mistakes, but for our emotional and spiritual good. To bring us peace, joy, love, harmony.

Sadly, today we see the world could be said to almost "hate" Christianity, Christians, or followers of this wonderful Lord Jesus, who gave his life blood for each of us, every one, yet how many can say, "I know the Lord Jesus?" He is called, "Healer" "Master" "Wonderful Counsellor" "Prince of Peace", "Everlasting God" "Holy One" "Lord of All", "King of Kings" "Preacher" "Teacher" "Priest" "Alpha" "Omega". He came to heal the broken hearted, the wounded, to set the prisoner free.

We can address the reason why Christians are hated so much in another post. It will be revelatory.

So, what can he do today? He is not officially on earth but in the highest place in heaven, seated, waiting for the next call. He has sent His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the comforter to us since Pentecost (50 after the Passover and crucifixion of Jesus) 7 Weeks. This was exactly the time of the Festival of Harvest (Le 23:9) On that day there was a harvest of souls for the New Kingdom of Heaven, that fired up on earth! (Read Acts 2)

It is more than 2,000 years since that Pentecost happened, and the world has changed a lot on the outside and we have made progress in every field, except emotional or spiritual. Of course we have Google (AU might not have this soon). We can get answers quickly, but not every answer.

On the inside people are basically the same, needy, frail, uncertain, grieving, horrified at the world's news, putting flowers on shrines, sinners, bad and good at times. We all need inner peace especially now that the next step in the pandemic story are unfolded and are unfolding every minute. This is not the end of the virus, or the end for everyone, but it is certainly a warning to get on our bikes, hide in our tents, try obedience for a change, try to love each other a little more, and certainly read the Bible, for the first or thousandth time. The next phase of our existence is the Coming of Jesus, the Parusia, or Revelation of the Christ, as King of the Jungle, and the whole world. But, don't wait until it is all happening, it will come like a flood, a storm, an earthquake, quickly. Be ready for Jesus' coming. Call His name wherever you are. He is waiting for you.

Thanks to Pixabay Images for superb pic.

Posted by: Marie AT 04:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 18 2021
You Are Invited

The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come" Rev 22:17

After a harrowing year of lockdowns, a new way of living appears to be the Covid "Norm" for 2021. Some people feel that 2020 dragged out, whilst others (my granddaughter) felt it went too quickly. Perception is a wonderous thing and the young give us hope!

As we see the events unfold all over the globe and the fight to master a suitable vaccine, we shudder and wonder if something has gone wrong in the world (again).

When we reach back in history we find moments in time when the world appears to be coming to an end! E.g: WW1 and WW11 coming in quick succession (1914-18) 1939-1945)

People who lived through this type of horror simply want to forget it, and they lose much needed peace in their lives that never returns. Some are only talking about the war days now (over 70 years ago). It is still painful for them at 80, 90+ years. And vivid.

The same will be said of 2020 and 2021 as the angst rises up and the virus does not abate like we expected it to go away. We are like the little person who sings, "Rain, rain go not come again another day!" We want this virus gone. We want troubles to end. We want our money to roll in even if it was a trickle before, it was better than now. We have waited and waited all year for good news, but very little good news has come to anyone.

The picture above is a bride. We all love weddings, even those that do not turn out as expected! It still stirrs our hearts to think of this great union of two people happy to share their joy with as many as possible. 2020 has also been a sad year for brides and grooms, and who knows how they will be rated in 2021.

But, there is another great wedding on the horizon! In this chapter, the Spirit of God and the Bride (The Church of belivers) calls out to the many who are not here yet.

"Come, let anyone who is thirsty come and drink freely."  (Also read Revlation 3:18)

God invites everyone who listens to come to his banquet. Yes, there will be the biggest wedding celebration in history (His Story) in heaven. The invitation is still going out to everyone who has a heart for God.

"For the time has come for the Wedding feast of the Lamb (Jesus) and his bride has prepared herself." (Rev 19:7,8)

She has been given the finest pure white linen to wear. The fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

Jesus told a parable about 10 bridesmaids who waited for the bridegroom. 5 missed out because their lamps went out before the event. (Matthew 25)

In other words, there is a time limit and God alone knows that  time. But, we all know that even if church doors are closed even now, the bridegroom is getting ready to come and take his bride home to be with him forever in Heaven.

Jesus also shows the parable of the wedding feast where the proper garments must be worn. (wedding garment) These parables show that we must have the attire God gives us (his righteousness) and His invitation. His Word invites those who read it to come for the big bash in Heaven, when we will all join together with the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 22)

You have the invitation. Jesus gave up his own life for you, his Church body. "The two are united as one."   "This is a great mystery" (Ephesians 5:32). Accept Jesus today. The Holy Spirit will cover you with a special garment that is pure. The Father will welcome you with His open arms (The prodigal son) and Jesus, the beautiful King, will smile for joy, joined by angels who will sing for joy. The feast is already set, the wine is being poured and the King and his adoring friends invite you today.

Do not ignore the warning signals: The first 6 seals are very quick and may already be broken:

1. Battles fought and victories by people with unscrupulous plans (world leaders under the pump)

2: Peace removed from the earth. (Who can argue with that)

3.  Scales "Not enough money for daily needs" 

4.  Death and the Grave. (Not a pretty picture in 2020.)

5. There are enough martyrs under the altar (protected) who are told to wait. They ask for judgement upon those who have killed them. (I read about another young man murdered in India recently, because of his faith in Jesus - could he be the final linch pin for Jesus to move on with judgement?)

White garments are given to them as they wait for the finale.

6. A great earthquake... (a really big one). Who has noticed news about earthquakes lately?

7. The last seal... Silence in Heaven. (Is this happening right now?) God is thinking and considering His next move!

After this scenario there are 7 trumpets to be blown. We will see how time unfolds history in the coming days. But, seeing the first one gives me a clue and a shiver... Incense (prayers) mixed with fire sent on the earth! Not a pretty view. After that, it just gets worse. (Revelation 6, 7, 8)

"But, today, if you hear God's voice, do not harden your hearts, but turn to the living God" (Hebrews 3:15) (This actually relates to spiritual maturity in Christians who are struggling with ceremonies and not moving forward) It can also apply to those who are sitting on the fence and are struggling to step over into the Kingdom. Go on, do it.

You will not regret this move.

Picture of "Lady" from Pixabay Images.

Thank you.


Posted by: Marie AT 05:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 01 2021

I caught this lovely lady waving as we came to Gympie on the rattler. I hope she will forgive me for posting this, but it is a bit blurred. However, it serves to say, Goodbye to 2020 and "Hello" 2021.

We all get a buzz in saying goodbye to something that has given us pain and grief, yet in the same moment we are saddened that we had to do this, or even that this is not yet done and dusted. We are complex in every way and our thinking patterns are sometimes confusing. For all of the world's population, we are happy to see a year go by and to have survived, even knowing that the year ahead may be just as difficult, or close to the previous year. However, we now know what we did in 2020, how we reacted to changes and shopping distancing, family distancing. In fact the whole year the buzz word was "distancing". Even last night at Redcliffe, where shops were buzzing with their wares (market), there was the formidable sign, Distancing 1.5 metres. This constantly reminded patrons to remember the problem lurking still.

Vaccines are on their way, governments are struggling to cope with demands and distraught citizens are fractured and broken.

How should we view this new year and can we cope with prolonged struggles with finances, family, lack of love and nurture and the constant reminders of how terrible the Covid has become?

I have found that when too many struggles emerge at once, it can break our hearts and our emotions become raw.

We can be like the Emu, bury our heads in the sand and forget the problems ahead. Or, we can be like the horse, who must rise again and jump that strange looking obstacle!

The Lord says, guard your heart, it is the wellspring of life. (proverbs) That is a serious matter.

We must guard our innermost thoughts (and sometimes they are overwhelming).

Having someone to talk to is sometimes helpful. I say "helpful" but know that nobody knows your exact solution only you and God. So, if nobody is present, speak to the Lord.

Or even to the cat or someone who is not present (human). It will help with the stress build up inside your soul (heart). We all need a sounding board and we can find our special one in a special place where we go.

Jesus went off into the night to pray, alone where he could be private and talk freely to God. We can do just that as I believe we all need to do that from time to time.

Look at the night sky. I noticed that the stars were shining brightly last night at Redcliffe. Nothing can diminish them.

Extra lights do take away some of their form, but we can still see them looking down from above, like a beautifully carved ceiling. Too far away to fall and hurt us and just far enough away to let us know we are actually not alone.

This world is the place designated by God, the creator for us to live and thrive. Sadly the world has problems, lots of problems, but nothing that cannot be solved with a little thought, a prayer, a talk or a scream! 

Or, just look and smell the beautiful flowers popping out at the moment. (Here anyway)

This year, I will make a informal resolution to be Kinder, helpful, obedient (to the difficult rules), and do do something new.

Make a cake, create a collage, or even write a book. That is what I will be doing.

I am also doing a study on a very heavy subject, history, and connecting the dots with Daniel Chapters 10, 11. It is mind-blowing and I may get it together well enough to publish my findings.

Last night, we had no fireworks in Redcliffe. We missed the early round (barely heard it) and waited until 10:15 PM when we went home.

But, today I had a most wonderful surprise, a face time with my beautiful sister, Jo, in Cyprus, and her family there (some of them).

It was just after midnight and they were eating... another fine thing to do this year. Eat something that you have never eaten. It gives you new memories to cover the old bad ones a bit.

Another thing to do: find humour in everyday things and words.

Posted by: Marie AT 07:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 17 2020
Lessons in 2020

The first thing I think about when I go to blog is the pandemic! It has ruled our lives in 2020 all over the world, not especially Australia, but we are still being affected by a few cases popping up. Elsewhere the cities are decimated and people are in hiding (behind masks), still grappling with the issue as a vaccine looms on the horizon.

From a more safe platform in Australia, our view is different than those struggling under mountains of plastic and syringes, coffins and grief unimaginable without a world war happening.

Yesterday, for the first time, I found out where my great grand uncles died and are remembered since WW1. It was a surprise as until 2019 nobody in our family was aware of their gallantry, bravery and sadly, deaths. In Ireland they were "Pardoned" recently. "Thank you for dying, young men." That is our view from 100 years afterwards. I can tell you that I shed tears of grief for these two heroes yesterday, though I never met them or even knew what happened to them until I was 70 years of age. In Ireland there is a secrecy that is permeated about keeping silent. It is a crippling idea that does not work for those who have to bear the brunt of the story long afterwards when nothing can be changed. That is wrong. Something can always be done about historic incidents and horrors. We can remember those with a passion that never passes, tears that never stop flowing and learn from their generosity. Honouring them now does not help the poor mother and father who wept themselves into their own graves, along with their brothers and sisters who must have been devastated. Yet they had to be silent.

It is the same with the pandemic. People are hurting. Loved ones are lost forever. Tragedy has happened unexpectedly and we grapple to contain our emotions, our thoughts, our actions.

Here is the hope for those of us who must face these issues every day, every moment of our lives, those who face the tragedy that happened 100 years ago, or yesterday. It does not matter, we face it, for face it we must. We cannot help our humanity, our frailty, and our emotions that burst upon us like a broken dam and the waters rush forth.

It is so easy to say, "Move on, forget it..." but it does not go away. It happened, it was real. We must face the foe daily and press on towards our goals.

How can we press on? How can we move a finger or a foot? We can. We will. We should.

Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age." (Matthew end chapter). We need not be afraid. Always when an angel appeared to certain people, the first words are, "Do not be afraid." "Fear Not"

Do not push the enemy aside, box it up or bury it. Walk boldly against it with your head in the air, walk on, walk on, with hope in your hearts. For Jesus Christ Himself, the ruler of the universe, is with you and with me. Jesus Christ comes to all who call on Him. He is the one that everyone will meet at the Judgement Seat of Christ. For there is no name under Heaven whereby we must be saved. Even a pandemic being dropped into our midst, our lives, causing havoc, cannot win against Jesus Christ. He comes to us from Heaven every day through the might and power of the Holy Spirit (Dunamis)  meand power. God gives these gifts to us every day because God is still with us, caring, provoking and soothing our souls. Keep looking upwards and onwards towards heaven, where all the brave, courageous, merciful and humble people will be waiting like a chorus of angels to welcome us when we give up the ghost.

Yesterday, I discovered the place who and where my great uncles are laid to rest. They have a memorial in their names Thomas and Edward Dempsey: Farmers from Celbridge. Now heroes. Forever enshrined for all to see at (France: Ypres Menin Gate Memorial Panel 44 and 46 - Edward Died 25 April, 1915 - Aged 27 ) and Thomas at Duisans British Cemetery, Belgium, aged 20. Died on 24 April, 1917, following his brother to glory. My brother has a letter found in the attic from Thomas in Christmas 2016. He died four months later. R.I.P heroes. I love you to the moon and back.

God knows exactly where they are. I look forward to meeting them in Heaven where they are waiting for the finale. "To die for sinners is the greatest gift anyone can do."

"We honour those who have died trying to save others in this pandemic." Nothing is more human or extraordinary. Jesus led the way and keeps leading us forward.

I hope and trust the WHO will encourage all countries to erect memorials for those who perished in the Covid War. Finally the truth will surface and another generation will mourne and shudder. But God is still awesome and will bring them through their grief.  Look up, for our redemption draws near.

Posted by: Marie AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 14 2020
Be Still & Know

Hi folks,

Time of reckoning

I do not need to explain to anyone what The Pandemic is, do I? I know that some friends do not even wish to speak about it because it hurts.

We hear of vaccine coming like an angel from the sky in some distant place not yet here. In the meantime, we groan with our new way of life and its restrictions.

We have all changed now. We are different people since March-April-May-June-July... We understand a lot more about ourselves.

Protesting against the pandemic does nothing. Promising a vaccine to everyone does nothing to the ordinary person. Seeing the news globally every day brings pain upon pain. It is like watching a horror movie that will not stop. It reminds me of an old Dr Who episode when a horrible blob was tracking people, covering everything with its globby ugliness. I think it was a dark blue colour and looked like goo that moves. Nobody was safe. The Pandemic is the real version.

How can we cope? What can we do? One Christian neighbour says, "Be still and know that I am God" which is good advice to bring calm into our souls.

I read through Psalms 41 - 46 last night and I felt their relevance to this time on earth. David & descendants of Korah (musicians) are noted as the writers of these psalms.

Themes throughout these psalms are varied and all apply to our time. Kindness to the poor will help those in trouble. (41:1) If you are one of those, you have hope in God's eyes. If you have tears for food, you can now have hope (42:3) If you feel abandoned by God and cry out, you have hope (42:9,10) If you are sad and discouraged, you have hope (42:11). If you have a heart for God and trust in Him, you have hope (43:4). If you remember good things God has done for you, you have hope (44:1)

If you long for a victory over this pandemic, you have hope (44:7) If you feel covered with darkness and death, you have hope (45"6). If you think God is asleep, you have hope (44:23)

All of these psalms have a core that we can relate to, and thus relate to God as the Psalmist did 3,000 years ago. God never changes. God is here, right now, seeing everything that is happening and hearing our voices. In all these psalms there are heart wrenching words that stir God up. "Wake up O Lord...Get up! Rise up" (45:23 - 26)

God will rise up. We will rise up with God from this pandemic. How do I know? Because this psalmist and David had the same struggles in Biblical times, and God did answer when He was good and ready. In the meantime, read these psalms, talk to God and look to a brighter future. Psalm 45 shows what happened next! Poetry, writing (yeah) beauty, might, glory, majesty, truth, victory, humility, justice, inspiration, repentance, falling of nations beneath God's feet,  (v 5 - in death/repentance) the throne of God (45:1 - 6)

This can be our story too.

Just as we feel isolated from our family, friends and daily routine and cannot bear it, so God has been isolated from our lives (in many ways), our friendship and our family lives. God has been lonely for a long time and now we have a taste of how God feels for eons. Since the Garden of Eden, men and women have ignored God, forgotten God, dropped God, and even forbidden God in their conversations. How does God feel about all this? Now we know because we are made in His Image.

Posted by: Marie AT 11:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 02 2020

During the Covid19 lockdown we are restricted to areas of safety. This has been achieved rather well by the Premier of Queensland. Borders are good for situations. Because of our borders we now have a Donut Day in Australia. We just bought dounuts to share in celebratory mode. What a strange custom we now have. But, we like it.

I was reading Genesis 31 last night and I came across another shut down border, possibly the first in Biblical history. The map indicated the area of the event, Ramoth Gilead, where the Tribe of Manasseh/Gad eventually settled.  This border closure and covenant happened when Jacob, the son of Isaac and Grandson of Abraham went to Haran to escape threats by his brother Esau. (Gen 27:41) Now Jacob seems to have made more trouble for himself and his family, with the ire of Laban his uncle getting roused.

Jacob had worked for him for 20 years and was sick of it, deciding to leave with his possessions, wives, children and animals. Laban followed him and negotiated his side of the story. It is always good to have the other side of the story. One sided stories are always biased because of human perception.

In this story, Laban and Jacob agree to make a Covenant together. The place was given two names. One by Laban ( Jegar sahadutha ) Witness Pile in Aramaic. And Galeed in Hebrew.  (The name of the place is also called Mizpah (Watchtower) )  All very strange but that is how they sorted out borders in that time. A pile of rocks standing at a witness. That was not all. Jacob made a sacrificial offering on the mountain and invited everyone to a covenant feast. (People love to eat) After they had eaten, they spent the night on the mountain. Both men took an oath to observe this covenant by the God of their ancestors, Isaac's and Nahor. Both families worshipped the same God, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, also Nahor and Haran. Although we must note here that Rachel had stolen her family gods and Laban mentions them (Gen 31:30).

Laban threatened Jacob to keep his word and he did. In fact, Jacob had been told by God to leave the district and return to Canaan (Gen 31:13) and angels came along to guide him (32:1). 

What can we glean from this incident that changed Jacob's life for ever? God literally took him to another district to raise his family.

If we think of our own lives, where are we now? Being in Australia feels like a very special place for those of us here right now. So many of us could be in another place, like UK, USA, Europe, Ireland or Cyprus. But, we are here. Can you trace God's hand in your life when you changed places to begin a new life?

With the Covid19 everyone in the whole world is reeling with wonder and fear, perplexed and confused by what is going on. Looking for a safer place to live. Unfortunately the world is now well populated and its borders are known and there are fewer places to be at peace and rest and especially safety from a pandemic.

In this Covenant and truce, God is right there. Jacob was a nervous man but street smart and he survived by praying a lot as God seems close to him. He had a big responsibility at this stage of his life (around 60 years of age) and he is only just beginning a new life. He is also fearful of his tough brother the hunter, Esau, so fear is still lurking in his perimeters.

In our new world of Covid rules, God is right here. We may be in lockdown, allowed less freedom than ever before, worrying about money, health, family. These are all genuine worries. To still our hearts, pray more, more often, read the bible to find treasures eternal (like this little gem) and remember, the Lord is still the King. I notice the road Jacob travelled in this story is called "The King's Way" on some maps.  God the King of Kings went before him.

Maybe that is why we are so blessed, we keep praying for answers. Keep praying. YOU ARE SPECIAL TO GOD.

Link to other Scriptures and battles in this region.

This map from Wikipedia.  Link to image.

Posted by: MarieAuthor AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 14 2020
What Makes God Angry

God is Angry. God is provoked.

The Covid 19 pandemic is raging. A sign of God's anger.

If we take a causal and effect approach to issues such as the pandemic, we can see our future more clearly.

Nothing helps the present as much as lessons from the past.

Back in the beginning of creation, when human beings were still exploring their own existence, being themselves, they found evil within themselves.

God made a landmark decision for his first couple, Adam and Eve, when he said, "You shall surely die." Before that we can conclude they were all set to live in the Garden for ever.

Searching the origins of our ancestors, we see that people lived for a very long time before they died, almost 1,000 years.

After about 1445 years, God made another landmark decision on our behalf. He declared that man's age would be reduced to 120 years. Good men had been corrupted and there was none to carry on except Noah. God became so angered in his spirit that he made a decision to destroy mankind, along with creeping things and fowls. God was provoked by the compounding evil in people's thoughts all day long. (Gen 6:12)

For us today it sounds like a lot of years, but back then it must have been a shock. No longer would people be able to see forward to the 6th generation or more. In fact they would die with all their genes gone forever. Now we are lucky to see forward to the 3rd generation (great grandchildren).

I found a word back in the first book of the Bible, Genesis called "angered" in his spirit. This is God's anger here, likely recorded by Methuselah, the Grandfather of Noah, as these two were alive at the time. Noah was 500 years old when he began his boat building career. He launched his ship at 600 years of age.  (Gen 6)

If God is angry, changes will be made. That is the fact of the matter. Big sweeping changes have been made when God was provoked to anger, and then let his anger rip.

We see another example in the wilderness when Korah and 250 leaders confronted Moses and Aaron, attacking them, defying God's rules. God got angry and changed their numbers dramatically. God sent a plague into the "camp" that looked like fire raging through the people where they sat. (Numbers 14) 

Moses rushed around the camp telling people to get away from the "infected" people, Datan and Abiram. Two things happened at this landmark occasion. The perpetrators were buried when the ground opened up and swallowed them. Then fire raged against the 250 who had incense burners and they died. After that when people murmured against this incident on the next day, The glory of the Lord appeared at the entrance and the Lord warned them of impending annihilation. Moses and Aaron interceded  for the people flat on their faces. Then Moses told Aaron to run towards the plague with incense to purify the people. Aaron did so and the plague was stopped (14,700 died from this event)

We can assess from these recorded incidents that God does get angry with mankind. Being provoked is the first step to bring it on.

In Adam and Eve's case, they blatantly disobeyed God (especially Adam) we lost their eternal ranking.

In the case of the Sons of God and the daughters of men (Good men and bad girls) we lost longevity (living to 1,000 years)

In the case of Korah, they disobeyed God and attacked God's chosen leaders, so they died on the spot, along with their supporters.

What about the pandemic, Covid 19?

People are dropping dead all over the world. Thousands are becoming infected daily around the globe. 

Is God angry with the human race as a whole? It is very likely.

What has provoked God to anger if this is the case?

We do not need to look too far, do we? Corruption is rampant in the world. Daily we hear reports of fighting, killing, deprivation of liberty, and just horrible crimes.

What about God's ministers? There is plenty of persecution going on all over the world. Even in Australia in recent years, we have missionaries from NZ being sent back to their own country. For doing what? Bringing the only message of hope that we have left. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, who still lives, to make intercession for us.

Sparks must have been flying in 2018 on Sentinel Island where a missionary brought bibles in a boat to the people living there. They had excluded themselves from society and were concerned about diseases. The man, who was determined to bring the message, was brutally murdered by people with arrows, who looked like the old American Indians in their appearance. They knew what they did and boasted on tape about it. (You can see it on Twitter) A report recently says that there were originally 10 tribes and over 500,000 people. Now they are happy to have doctors and nurses drop by and check for the virus, which has been detected there. (Read it on line)

The end of the matter is there are only 59 people left on that island, and perhaps some in hiding. The body of the young man who brought the message was never recovered (shame on everyone). Do we assume God was angry about that? It is a grave possibility.

If we care about our humanity and if our faith is frail, we should be working on those aspects of our lives. We can be intercessory for those afflicted with the virus, for governments and help to stop the plague, just like Moses and Aaron, Noah and Methuselah.

Changes will be made that will be our future. It is time to choose, Korah or Moses, Cain or Abel, Methuselah or Lamech.

We can also pray for our leaders "in the middle" protecting us with information, data and updates. Thank the Lord for Annastacia Palaszczuk, Gladys Berejicklian, Dan Andrews, Brad Hazzard, Dr Chant, Dr Jeanette Young, Steve Miles and all their support teams, especially doctors and nurses. God bless you all. Stay safe.


Posted by: AT 10:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 02 2020
What God Does

God Gives Comfort

John 11:35

2020 has been a most distressing year in our recent history. Every country around the globe has been smacked by the Covid 19 Coronavirus and we are all like drunks staggering about trying to find our way through the storm. The Covid victims reached 34,000,000 around the globe. This is 14,000,000 more than in August, 2020.

Covid 19 Novel virus has devastated the whole world with its invisible tentacles clutching everyone in its path, destroying and not being destroyed, but evolving rapidly to maim and harm anyone it can harm. We have all endured this torment since the beginning of 2020, from Italy to India, everyone has been affected and the death rate has been nothing short of horrific. We all know about this pandemic because we need to know and to avoid it all costs. Of course many are doing their best to help, even giving their own lives and family as a sacrifice for others. They are the jewels in the crown, the wonderful, brave souls that fought this enemy to the end of their own existence.

Two nights ago I was in a distressed mode after reading some disturbing news. I woke up at 2:00 AM (I was hot) and I cried and sobbed over my sadness. I felt as if I could get up and make a drink to calm down. Then I checked my beloved, and guess what, he too was awake, worried. It was such a relief! Together we had a cup of coffee (sorry, we don't like decaf), and talked for a bit. We also tried to find something interesting to watch on TV, but it was all repeated programmes and nonsense (as usual). We comforted each other and then a few hours later went back to grab another short sleep before the day woke us up again.

For me, this was God's comfort, the sharing with another close friend who understood precisely what I was feeling (thanks hun!) I definitely felt comforted in my heart and soul. As I lay and tried to get back to sleep, joined by a few happy waking birds, (one sounded like a big drop of water dripping)  I saw a great crowd of people in my vision. As I looked the group fanned out like a real fan spreads out. As far as the eye could see the fan expanded in the distance. I felt as if the Lord was near and these were people covering the whole earth following Jesus. It was surreal as it was unexpected and I am still not sure exactly if or what it meant. But, I was truly comforted and I felt the Lord kissing my heart (weird and wonderful). It was sublime and nobody can tell me it was not Jesus Himself.

In this passage above, Mary the beloved of Jesus is weeping, along with many women. Jesus goes from angry in his spirit (33) to weeping a few minutes later, (35), when he asked, "Where have you put him?" (Lazarus who had died 4 days before). Jesus wept and was angry in one poignant moment in time. His emotions were frayed yet stern and he coped with a crowd, some who hated him and some who loved him. Along with that he was with his friends who trusted and depended on him (Mary and Martha).

Jesus did an amazing thing once his emotions were shown. He had something in his mind that was "out of the box" and nobody saw it coming! He said, "Thank you Father..." thanking God (as he was a man too). He wanted those watching to believe in him. Then he shouted, "Lazarus, come out." Lazarus came out and had to be unwrapped of his graveclothes! He was alive having been dead for four days! (really dead)

When you struggle in this pandemic, watching the news and wondering what you can do to survive, and to help others, then remember the Lord Jesus Christ (God as a man) who understands every emotion in one moment, love, anger, sorrow and hope. Jesus is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.

Posted by: MarieAuthor AT 06:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Annals of the WorldAnnals of the World by James Ussher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this record of the world. This edition is rather large, but I have read through a lot of its pages. I mainly use it as a reference for Biblical facts and world facts. It could be called my "Fact checker". Because of its antiquity, it rates itself and is blatantly honest.
Lately I have been using the Appendix F. MAPS for Iona and Western Asia Minor, which are of interest to my study. I have also studied the Conquests of Thrace and the Euxine, and Conquests of Alexander.
Every Bible student and those who want to set records straight would benefit from owning one of these volumes. I look forward to seeing more editions that are easier to manage. This one is not a hardcover volume, but paperback and a little frail. I definitely would prefer the hardcover edition as it gets a lot of work, going in and out of my bookshelves.
Revised and Updated by Larry and Marion Pierce, November, 2006. They are amazing people. May God bless them. And, being of Irish birth, I am surprised and delighted to know Ussher was born in Dublin, 11 miles from where I was given birth (Leixlip).

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