For artists who want to draw eagle wings here is a link and it is free_ God bless Freakzter_
Simple Wing Lines By Freakzter
Monday, September 14 2020
How is it possible to shout for joy in a pandemic world? For those of us who check the statistics of the Coronavirus out daily, and who mourne for the loss of loved ones, it is an impossible thing to do, or is it? We are all missing the joy of living in a relaxed and joyful way, planning our next function and with whom to dine! Our lives are now changed for ever. Everyone in this generation, living in these pandemic times from the Arctic to the Antarctic are affected by this virus, a horrible little splot without significance except its deadliness. I read that it is white, yellowish with a touch of red on its receptors under microscope. It is invisible to the naked eye. Take another look at Psalm 32 to see that this virus has a second cousin that prevails around the globe today and has always done so. That second cousin is SIN Sin is simply doing wrong in as many ways as there are grains of sand, you could say. Sins are small, unseen, but their affects are obvious! Maybe not to every eye as each one of us has a secret place where our sins hide. King David says about this topic: Verse 5: Finally, I confessed all my sins to you (the Lord) and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, "I shall confess my rebellion to the Lord." And you forgave me! That is the victory point: God the Lord forgave David his sins. He is now ecstatic with relief and wants to share this moment in time. He writes his song down and sings it (my notion here). But, he was a musician and I am sure he would be singing like a lark. Our own victory begins deep within our hearts, where only the Lord can see clearly. Like the virus, our sins are hidden but the consequences are devastating to our lives, our health and our loved ones. Forgiveness from the Lord is like a vaccine for the Covid 19 (still waiting for that moment) For now, confess your sins to the Lord and feel the forgiveness rushing over you and shout for joy. ![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars I love this record of the world. This edition is rather large, but I have read through a lot of its pages. I mainly use it as a reference for Biblical facts and world facts. It could be called my "Fact checker". Because of its antiquity, it rates itself and is blatantly honest. Lately I have been using the Appendix F. MAPS for Iona and Western Asia Minor, which are of interest to my study. I have also studied the Conquests of Thrace and the Euxine, and Conquests of Alexander. Every Bible student and those who want to set records straight would benefit from owning one of these volumes. I look forward to seeing more editions that are easier to manage. This one is not a hardcover volume, but paperback and a little frail. I definitely would prefer the hardcover edition as it gets a lot of work, going in and out of my bookshelves. Revised and Updated by Larry and Marion Pierce, November, 2006. They are amazing people. May God bless them. And, being of Irish birth, I am surprised and delighted to know Ussher was born in Dublin, 11 miles from where I was given birth (Leixlip). View all my reviews |