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Sunday, January 01 2023

What is Usury? The dictionary definition says it is charging interest at too high a rate to a borrower_

For some folk, going back to 1991, we had a variable interest loan that kept going up_ In the end it was 14.25% for a mortgage of the day_

At some point in the raising of interest Australian government took this to task and restricted the interest rate to below 14% in order to stop the rampage of its citizens.

We ended up receiving a refund from one of the Big Banks as our interest had gone too high.

In 2008 we had the same scenario_

Today, since 2022, we are facing another usury problem all over the globe, including Australia.

A senior person in the banking industry said on a TV interview. "Of course some will drop off_ mainly those new-comers who will drop off_"

I was appalled_

Could this be termed a crime against its Australian citizens, especially the most vulnerable?  Using the adage, "Stop inflation_"

There are a thousand better ways to "stop inflation" than kicking new mortgagees in the guts (wallet). Just think about that_

Mortgages are almost "sacred" on homes and must be protected by a law that works_

Mortgages are a necessity just as bread and water_

When will governments do their jobs and protect mortgagees of Australia? Its citizens, its power, its worth?

How does the creator (Jesus) of all of us think about this type of cruelty to vulnerables?

Lenders in particular:

Read your Bibles folks and get back on the straight and narrow_ otherwise judgement must come quickly for individuals and countries_

Who will God accept into his mansions above: (John 14)

Let's look at one aspect of usury in David's Psalm 15

"Who may worship in your sanctuary Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? - Verse 5: Those who lend money without charging interest_

Such people will stand firm forever_ (Read the whole psalm in 2 minutes and see where you fit into God's plan for your life and future life!)

Here are a few more to ponder:  (Reference from online:

Sadly, from historical data, raising mortgage interest rises (kicking a man when he is down) appears as an excuse to petty-theft the most vulnerable in our society. It could be deemed a crime against citizens of its country and even called sabotage.

Here are a few more verses that God has given to help us to stay away from crime. Even banks can be corrupted. I was told by a bank manager, "Never trust a bank manager."

Now we know why. They defy God in every which way, creating excuses to rip off ordinary mums and dads of their living.

I pray the Lord will put a stop to this unfair and destructive, and disgusting act of increasing interest after the loan has been agreed to for 25 years_ There must be limits as to how often the interest rate can be increased_ money does not grow on trees Banks_ You are not worthy to be the custodian of our money. I am praying against this despicable trend and hope many ordinary people are doing so as well_ call on God to stop this wicked practice. If Australia goes down for its crimes before God, we all go together_

Posted by: Book Nanny AT 04:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Annals of the WorldAnnals of the World by James Ussher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this record of the world. This edition is rather large, but I have read through a lot of its pages. I mainly use it as a reference for Biblical facts and world facts. It could be called my "Fact checker". Because of its antiquity, it rates itself and is blatantly honest.
Lately I have been using the Appendix F. MAPS for Iona and Western Asia Minor, which are of interest to my study. I have also studied the Conquests of Thrace and the Euxine, and Conquests of Alexander.
Every Bible student and those who want to set records straight would benefit from owning one of these volumes. I look forward to seeing more editions that are easier to manage. This one is not a hardcover volume, but paperback and a little frail. I definitely would prefer the hardcover edition as it gets a lot of work, going in and out of my bookshelves.
Revised and Updated by Larry and Marion Pierce, November, 2006. They are amazing people. May God bless them. And, being of Irish birth, I am surprised and delighted to know Ussher was born in Dublin, 11 miles from where I was given birth (Leixlip).

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