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This is one of the pictures I drew using Wacom Intuos tablet_ No AI back then a few years ago.

Am revising this story again for D2D purposes as it has not been revised for some time.

Will let fans know asap.

Happy Mothers Day folks - May 14 in Australia
Saturday, May 11 2024

Before I began schooling my mother taught me to read and write_ I was one of the lucky ones of the time as soon my father left our home in Ireland for Birmingham in order to find work_ The Spa Hotel closed and all the staff had to find new employment.

Soon we could not afford copy books, or even paper and pencils were in short supply. As a four year old I loved to write and draw. Therefore my mother gave me envelopes opened and white paper appeared. My pencils were usually stubs but I could make my mark with them, and a I did.

From times in the 50's until now, I have always loved words, drawing and telling the stories verbally. I believe everybody has a story inside and wants to see their precious words on paper, or on the net these days.

Not only are our words our innermost thoughts and our fanciful ideas, but being plotted on paper they are our real selves telling our story. Beginning with scribbles, we try to make sense of how to form words, and if we cannot form letters, we form images. I remember as a child drawing girls with big bonnets and long frilly dresses (so I did not have to draw legs and feet) Every envelope my mother could spare, I garnered and used wisely.

Today, we have Ai to do a lot of our work, but we older generation did it all for those coming through the world later on. Now, we have computers, iPads, word building software and Ai tools at our service. These tools do not diminish our talents, they can be used to bring about even greater ideas, and inventions that can change our world.

I remember when our teacher (Mrs Comyn) taught us how to write cursive letters like, cat, rat, bat, etc. I carefully drew these letters between the blue lines, rising right up to the red line, trying hard not to cross it. Her words are still in my heard, "I have eyes in the back of my head_" Therefore she could see us no matter what she was doing in the room. I was genuinely afraid that she would see me and so I was always diligent in writing, carefully copying her letters on the blackboard, written with red and blue chalk, with white writing.

We all have to begin our writing somewhere, so if you have a good story about your personal journey, please share it with us.

Ree Ree

Posted by: REE REE AT 03:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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